xtpxlib-common is xtpxlib's communal component. Most other components in xtpxlib are dependent on it. If you start using xtpxlib, you'll also use it a lot yourself.

1.1 Contents

xtpxlib-common consists of the following parts (by subdirectory):

Directory Contents
[*** Unrecognized element: <code role="code-width-limited" xml:id="d9458e235"> (phase: main)] XML data files.
[*** Unrecognized element: <code role="code-width-limited" xml:id="d9458e247"> (phase: main)] Sources for the generation of the component's documentation. Internal use only.
[*** Unrecognized element: <code role="code-width-limited" xml:id="d9458e259"> (phase: main)] GitHub pages site for this component.
[*** Unrecognized element: <code role="code-width-limited" xml:id="d9458e271"> (phase: main)] Auxiliary files, mainly for use in the oXygen IDE.
[*** Unrecognized element: <code role="code-width-limited" xml:id="d9458e283"> (phase: main)] Template files. These files contain XSLT, XQuery, XProc, etc. files with the main structure and headers filled in. Contain macros for use in the oXygen IDE.
To install/use these files in oXygen, open its preferences dialogue (Options > Preferences…) and add the xtpxlib-common/template subdirectory to its Document templates section.
xpl General purpose XProc (1.0) pipelines. .
xplmod General purpose XProc (1.0) modules.
xpl3 General purpose XProc (3.0) pipelines. .
xpl3mod General purpose XProc (3.0) modules.
xqmod General purpose XQuery modules. This is a partial translation of the XSLT module's functionality (especially from href.mod.xsl) into XQuery.
[*** Unrecognized element: <code role="code-width-limited" xml:id="d9458e368"> (phase: main)] Schemas for some of the document types used in Xatapult XML Library.
xsl Some general purpose XSLT stylesheets.
[*** Unrecognized element: <code role="code-width-limited" xml:id="d9458e394"> (phase: main)] General purpose XSLT modules.

1.2 Parameter handling in xtpxlib-common

Parameters, as referred to here, are name/value pairs meant for customizing software's behavior. Things like prompts, URIs, etc. The xtpxlib-common component's parameters have the following characteristics: